Archive for May 7th, 2011

ICT for Woman

07 May

Currently, the ICT sector does not take full advantage of female talent. This is bad for the sector and bad for those women who could create new opportunities for themselves and their families with the ICT jobs that we know deliver better salaries and career paths than most other sectors. Opening up the sector in this way is very important at a time when employment is so precious and when Europe is under pressure to lift its competitiveness.
We can get there. Total employment growth for women scientists and engineers is around 6.2% per year from 2002 to 2007 whilst the equivalent for men is only 3.7% – but we shouldn’t be prepared to wait decades for change. As we hit the road to recovery; it would be great to meet the new demand for IT skills with capable women, and all the talents, innovation and creativity these women can bring into the work place.

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